Hello all

Was there any specific reason why this "EN-Revision" comment magic was
chosen over the Docbook revision attribute?

As I see it we could safe our translators _alot_ of work by manually
bumping revision whenever the changes done in the en docs need

This would mean that all the WS, typo, grammar and other English
specific bugs won't bump revision => nothing for translators to fix,
they shouldn't be forced to updated some tags.

The only argument against it (I could find) is "more work for en doc writers".
Heh? Right. That argument is so selfish that if anyone so much as
mentions it I'll hunt the person down and throw snowballs at him :)

Choosing when to bump revision and when not takes under 2seconds.
Compared to the 5seconds[1] it takes _every_ translator to figure out
if there was any real change or if he just needs to bump his
EN-Revision (another few seconds)...

This will also allow us to more accurately determine if a translation
is really out of date or not.

What do you guys think?

[1] Locating and opening the commit. Read the commit message and then
review the commit... hmm. That is probably more than 5secs..


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