Hi all!

First of all, I'd like to apologize for how long phpdoc has been
frozen, I got unexpectedly really busy with work the first days and
then got sick for few days :|
Anyway. The merge is now over and phpdoc-en now validates again;
phpdoc is therefore officially unfrozen as of now \o/

The `make test` target does no longer work, in fact, the whole
"autoconf", "./configure", "make.." gimnastics are depreciated.
To configure and validate phpdoc the configure.php script should be
used; php configure.php (or: php configure.php --with-lang=XX for
To build the docs you need to install PhD[1] and run it;  phd -d
.manual.xml (or phd -d/path/to/phpdoc/.manual.xml if you are not in
the `phpdoc` dir).
Yes. This means you should no longer need "cygwin" (or any of these
"weird tools") on windows.

There are still 58 FIXMEs comments scattered around phpdoc, most of
them Object Oriented related, so there is still a lot of work to be
done for those with time to spare.

Furthermore the CHM builds are messed up (they still use Docbook-XSL
and it doesn't support nested <set>s) so the weekly CHM builds (and
validation/failure mails) will not be enabled just yet...
We really need someone with basic understanding of the CHM things to
write a PhD format/theme for it...

Since it took -en 16days (note: _exactly_ 16days, no +/- few hours :P)
I don't expect the majority of the translations to be in sync around
the newyear so the orginal build schedule is not going to hold.
How does pushing these builds out with PHP5.3 sound?
It'll give the rest of the translations good time to get in sync and
give us more time to find any remaining edge cases (hint;
docs.php.net) and hopefully fix the CHM problem.

I'd like to thank Philip for helping me out with the merge, without
his help the freeze would probably last at least another 10days.
I also like to mention that Takagi (-ja) and Felipe (-pt_BR) upgraded
their translations so fast that some extensions were almost upgraded
in their translations before -en!
It is simply amazing how fast they managed to sync, Philip and I had
serious troubles "giving them more work to sync", even when we were
two against one! :)
Not only did they sync crazy fast, they even found few typos in the
-en version.. sheez. Amazing guys :)


[1] pear install http://doc.php.net/phd/PhD-0.2.0.tgz

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