First of all, I'd like to apologize for how long phpdoc has been
frozen, I got unexpectedly really busy with work the first days and
then got sick for few days :|
Anyway. The merge is now over and phpdoc-en now validates again;
phpdoc is therefore officially unfrozen as of now \o/

Awesome, guys. Great work! I've seen a flood of commits come through my inbox in the last few days, and I suspected we were close, but I haven't had time to find out HOW close.

Nor have I had much/any time to help in the past few weeks. I really appreciate that you guys found/made the time to change the structure and merge the changes, as well as support the changes with the build system. This is probably the greatest single project in phpdoc history since the Banana Split.

Again, thank you for spending the time, and for doing such a great job! I hope to get back into the game in the new year.


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