On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 5:16 PM, Nicholas Sloan
> Hi, my name is Nicholas Sloan and I was selected to participate in this
> year's Summer of Code program for the PHP project. Hannes Magnusson will be
> mentoring me as I work on PhD (The PHP Based Docbook Renderer). I'm excited
> to be working on the docs, since I feel that great documentation  can be the
> most welcoming thing to a new programming language for most users. The only
> thing that might be important is the community, but PHP's community
> certainly doesn't need any help at being great.
>  In any case, I look forward to working with everyone and getting to know
> you all this summer. If you have any questions, feel free to ask any time.

    I do have one question, Nick: who the hell do you think you are?

    Just kidding.  A quote by Stewie from Family Guy happened to be
playing through my headphones as I read your part about questions, and
seemed an ample introduction.

    Welcome aboard!  Now get to work, slave.  ;-P

    Oh, and P.S. - you lucked out with your mentor.  Hannes is a great
guy, and knows his stuff.  Take advantage of that and learn as much as
possible from him.

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