On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 3:04 PM, Hannes Magnusson
> Does anyone have any objection to changing the license of the PHP
> documentation to Creative Commons Attribution (by)[1]?
> The license we are currently using has been deprecated[2] for several
> years now, and I think it adds unessicery restriction to
> redistribution of the docs (and I don't think anyone has ever followed
> them anyway, with the exception of couple of unanswered emails to
> doc-license@).

    With all of the websites out there paraphrasing the official
documentation (sometimes even bastardizing it a bit), as well as
ink-and-paper publications which reference pages from the official
docs, I've rarely seen any mention of credit --- especially to the
degree as required by the OPL.  I agree with Hannes regarding the use
of a more lenient licensing scheme for the documentation.  For
example, from S:2a of the OPL:

        "You must cause the modified content to carry prominent
notices stating that you changed it, the exact nature and content of
the changes, and the date of any change."

    If a content publisher were to follow the license as they
*should*, and if we hoped to enforce such, it would be a rather
full-time job.  And by not enforcing a portion of the license, because
it doesn't otherwise explicitly say, it could be conveyed that the
license as a whole is unenforceable.  For example, note the lack of a
direct statement to the effect of "if any portion hereof is found to
be unenforceable, or if the PHP Group makes the determination, on a
case-by-case basis, not to enforce any section(s) or action(s) listed
herein, all other rights, rules, and obligations shall remain in

    In addition, by loosening the license, we allow for more
opportunity by those who actually DO pay attention to and abide by
license agreements; quite possibly the kind of people we actually
*want* to republish the work.

    Just my dos pesos, but I'm +1 for it.

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