Hey Yannick,

this app looks brilliant!

Unfortunately if I look at the sqlite section (which I take care of) I
find a lot of errors which I do not understand.
So the error check tells me that there are differences between the
germnam and english translation in the amounts of several tags.
But even the diff your editor provides does not show these errors and
a test on my local system neither.
Perhabs this is why I changed the encoding of those files to utf-8?

Are you using the 'check-trans.php' for validation tests?
I usually do a "#php check-trans.php de". Searching for 'sqlite' in
the return string I get no results. Any Ideas?


PS: Speaking of check-trans.php; it would be nice to have some kind of
sypnosis if one did not pass any arguments or '--help'.

2009/2/7 yannick <yannick.tor...@keliglia.com>:
> Arf ! Sorry Olivier ;)
> I said that there is a configuration option available via the conf
> window that allow to hide "nbLiteralTag" error type (number of <literal>
> different from EN) as it is no very significative.
> We can view all test available on right-click under a file in error.
> If you view some test that need to be done, please tell me, I will add
> it in this check.
> ;)
> Le samedi 07 février 2009 à 10:42 -0500, Olivier Hill a écrit :
>> Errr.. what? :)
>> 2009/2/7 yannick <yannick.tor...@keliglia.com>:
>> > Une petite précision :
>> >
>> > Pour les erreurs, j'ai mis en option (via la fenêtre de configuration)
>> > la possibilité de cacher les erreurs de type "nbLiteralTag" (nombre de
>> > tags <literal> différents), sachant que ca reste peu significatif...
>> >
>> > D'ailleurs, tu peux voir avec un click droit sur un fichier "en erreur",
>> > toutes les tests effectués.
>> >
>> > Une bonne aide pour moi serait de me pointer du doigt des tests
>> > supplémentaires, afin que je les rajoute, nous permettant ainsi d'avoir
>> > une doc sans erreur grossière :)
>> >
>> > ++
>> >
>> > Yannick
>> >

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