Le samedi 07 février 2009 à 17:18 +0100, Bastian Feder a écrit :
> Hey Yannick,
> this app looks brilliant!

Thanks :)

> Unfortunately if I look at the sqlite section (which I take care of) I
> find a lot of errors which I do not understand.
> So the error check tells me that there are differences between the
> germnam and english translation in the amounts of several tags.
> But even the diff your editor provides does not show these errors and
> a test on my local system neither.

In the "error module" grid, there is a column "type", witch tell us
witch type of error there is. Also, when you start edit an error file,
there is a panel (by default collapsed, named "error description") witch
tell you the error type, with description.

Could you please provide this (there) error type ?
Perhaps it's a bug into my regex...
In private, you can provide me the content of this file.

> Perhabs this is why I changed the encoding of those files to utf-8?

I don't think so. Actually, this tool handle UTF-8 and ISO-88-59-1.

> Are you using the 'check-trans.php' for validation tests?

Yes, I start to use it, but I import it into this tool and I have work
on all this regex to fit with the editor. And I have add a lot of others

Anyway, thanks for your interest about this tool ^^



> I usually do a "#php check-trans.php de". Searching for 'sqlite' in
> the return string I get no results. Any Ideas?
> solong
> Bastian
> PS: Speaking of check-trans.php; it would be nice to have some kind of
> sypnosis if one did not pass any arguments or '--help'.
> 2009/2/7 yannick <yannick.tor...@keliglia.com>:
> > Arf ! Sorry Olivier ;)
> >
> > I said that there is a configuration option available via the conf
> > window that allow to hide "nbLiteralTag" error type (number of <literal>
> > different from EN) as it is no very significative.
> >
> > We can view all test available on right-click under a file in error.
> > If you view some test that need to be done, please tell me, I will add
> > it in this check.
> >
> > ;)
> >
> >
> > Le samedi 07 février 2009 à 10:42 -0500, Olivier Hill a écrit :
> >> Errr.. what? :)
> >>
> >> 2009/2/7 yannick <yannick.tor...@keliglia.com>:
> >> > Une petite précision :
> >> >
> >> > Pour les erreurs, j'ai mis en option (via la fenêtre de configuration)
> >> > la possibilité de cacher les erreurs de type "nbLiteralTag" (nombre de
> >> > tags <literal> différents), sachant que ca reste peu significatif...
> >> >
> >> > D'ailleurs, tu peux voir avec un click droit sur un fichier "en erreur",
> >> > toutes les tests effectués.
> >> >
> >> > Une bonne aide pour moi serait de me pointer du doigt des tests
> >> > supplémentaires, afin que je les rajoute, nous permettant ainsi d'avoir
> >> > une doc sans erreur grossière :)
> >> >
> >> > ++
> >> >
> >> > Yannick
> >> >
> >
> >

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