On 3/27/09, Philip Olson <phi...@roshambo.org> wrote:
> Hello fellow documentation geeks,
> We've discussed our comment system a few times but let's finally do
> something about it. Let's first discuss what our ideal user
> interactive system would be, then design a system while keeping in
> mind our resource limitations.
> So, if we want a system designed to easily allow users contributions
> to the documentation itself then we'll have a system more like the one
> used by the django book:
>    - http://www.djangobook.com/en/2.0/chapter01/
> Where comments apply to paragraphs/sections thus keeping context. In
> this scenario it would be easy to do things like suggest a grammar fix
> to a specific line, or comment on a specific example or tidbit. Also,
> they could directly link to our [upcoming] online editor for simple
> editing and committing into the patch queue. The possibilities are
> near endless. And eventually some of these people will want to
> contribute directly so it may in fact be a ploy to lure contributors
> to the PHP project.

Please forgive me if this shows I've missed what you're saying..
OpenCongress.org not too long ago starting letting us comment on lines
of active bills.. Bringing you in on one I've favorited, H.R.738 Death
in Custody Reporting Act of 2009:


If you page down a little, you come to the text where each line the
cursor is over presents a comment op along with a link to that
specific line of the bill.. I'm on a *very* old system along with the
Opera browser and have no problem with this working on my end..

Yes, I realize this isn't PHP.. Sure wish it was with this being my
very first post, grin.. Just figured, was hoping it gave one working
example that my Mind is grasping you are describing *at least in

Peace and best wishes from North Georgia..

Cindy Sue :)

- :: -
Olmstead Decision * 10 Years * June 22, 2009

Georgia Voices That Count, 2005
Talking Rock, GA, USA

[1] OpenCongress.org source

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