Brandon Savage wrote:

On Sep 8, 2009, at 2:00 AM, Lars Torben Wilson wrote:

Philip Olson wrote:
Comments, criticisms, and feedback greatly appreciated!
Sounds reasonable, and the more information the better :)
And while doing this, it's probably worth thinking about how to ensure oop5 is a first class citizen. Meaning, a person reads about OOP in terms of PHP 5 and those who care can find a section that's specific to how PHP 4 differs. Maybe people have ideas for how best to accomplish this.

Hi Philip,

This makes me wonder how close we are to the time when the PHP 4 object reference can be relegated to the Appendices. I mean, even I still have a couple of PHP 4 apps floating around out there so I of course recognize that the ref is still needed, but I agree 100% that the newer object model should have the more readily available documentation.

The PHP 4 class/object ref probably also needs a look but honestly at this point I'm not sure it's worth a whole lot of work anymore--newcomers to PHP really shouldn't be using it.



I don't share your desire to keep the PHP object reference around for any reason. Appendix, perhaps, but certainly not in the main manual.

Hi Brandon,

I think I worded my message poorly--I was trying to say that I think the PHP 4 stuff should definitely be relegated to the Appendices. Still available, but not in the main manual.

I would therefore suggest the following:

* The drafting of a new section of the PHP 5 OOP manual, listing the differences between PHP 4 and PHP 5 in brief.
* The relocation of the PHP 4 section to the appendix.
* The application of a large red warning box on each PHP 4 page, stating that this version of the language is out of date and the techniques listed on this particular page may break in future versions of PHP.

+1 on all counts from me.




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