On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 17:26, Alan J Collison <a...@collison.net> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have an initial pass at documentation for the Gearman
> PECL extension.  The created files can be found here:
> http://collison.net/gearman/phpdoc/
> In that directory are:
> entities.reference.xml       - has the &reference.entities.gearman; added

hmh. isn't that supposed to be in manual.xml.in?

> gearman_reference.tar.gz     - the XML files

The entities.*.xml are automatically generated by configure.php, and
should therefore be svn:ignored.
The .cvsignore file is no longer used :) (when thinking about it..
maybe docgen.php hasn't been updated..)

You seem to have forgotten to enable the reference entity in book.xml
The functions seem to have a bunch of autogenerated text which should
be removed.

> Please let me know anything I've done incorrectly and how to fix.
> This is my first contribution to PHP documentation, so to commit
> I will need an SVN account - if this all looks sane to you :)

Quickly browsing it, looks very good.
You can file for an SVN account by filling out the form at
http://php.net/svn-php correctly (be sure to read the entire page, and
the forms questions..).


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