On Sep 25, 2009, at 9:19 AM, Hannes Magnusson wrote:

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 17:26, Alan J Collison <a...@collison.net> wrote:

I have an initial pass at documentation for the Gearman
PECL extension.  The created files can be found here:


In that directory are:

entities.reference.xml - has the &reference.entities.gearman; added

hmh. isn't that supposed to be in manual.xml.in?

gearman_reference.tar.gz     - the XML files

The entities.*.xml are automatically generated by configure.php, and
should therefore be svn:ignored.
The .cvsignore file is no longer used :) (when thinking about it..
maybe docgen.php hasn't been updated..)

You seem to have forgotten to enable the reference entity in book.xml
The functions seem to have a bunch of autogenerated text which should
be removed.

Please let me know anything I've done incorrectly and how to fix.
This is my first contribution to PHP documentation, so to commit
I will need an SVN account - if this all looks sane to you :)

Quickly browsing it, looks very good.
You can file for an SVN account by filling out the form at
http://php.net/svn-php correctly (be sure to read the entire page, and
the forms questions..).

Cool. And to add to what Hannes already said, <initializer> is useful for displaying optional parameter default values. See the FAQ for details:

- http://wiki.php.net/doc/howto/faq

Impressively complete for a first draft :)


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