On Mar 11, 2010, at 10:32 AM, Moacir de Oliveira wrote:

> hi Felipe,
> 2010/3/11 Hannes Magnusson <hannes.magnus...@gmail.com>
> On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 05:42, Felipe Nascimento de Moura
> <felipenmo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi there, I'm Felipe, from Brazil.
> > I've built the PHPDevBar, an addon for Firefox (
> > https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/12686) which helps a lot, PHP
> > programmers.
> > I've used an XML with the most of PHP functions, in my server, to be used by
> > this addon when using the quick search. This xml has the name of each
> > function, its return type and its parameters.
> > But this XML is not complete, and I will not be able to keep it completely
> > up to date. I wonder if there is a XML file, or something like that, I could
> > use to make it work, streight from the PHP official source.
> >
> > There is a video, of how this addon works at http://screenr.com/jpx
> Thats definitely something PhD IDE can do, or in portuguese "Seus problemas 
> acabaram!" :D
> Currently the PhD IDE package generates two output formats:
>     - funclist - A txt file with all function/method names
>     - functions - Stand alone xml files, one file per function/method
> I'm also thinking in add a JSON format.
> The xml used is here: http://wiki.php.net/doc/skeletons/ide-function
> I wrote something about PhD in portuguese here:
> http://www.phpam.com/blog/2009/10/19/renderizando-o-manual-do-php-com-o-phd/

The original dream of this project was to provide an IDE (or any text editor) 
access to consistent and concise source files to work with. It's been exciting 
to see Moacir work hard on implementing this, and we all discuss it 

Today, most editors do some form of scraping to generate 'PHP code insight' 
files and often times it gets ugly. A few integrate Reflection too. Having this 
information accessible to plugin authors is a great idea, and the flexibility 
of PhD_IDE allows this. You get access to all the information, and can design 
the output format.

Eventually we'll start generating (and updating) these and will make them 
publicly available. However, PhD_IDE (a package for PhD) is not yet published 
although it may be considered alpha or beta today. Moacir, time for an alpha 


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