>Yes, documentation is tricky.  People, especially PHP users, come from so
many different experience backgrounds that it is almost impossible to write
one set of docs that speaks to everyone.  There are things in the user
comments that I have seen people pick up on that I would have thought was
completely obvious and unnecessary to document, but turn out to be extremely
helpful to a few.  I think the bulk of our user comments are never going to
get folded back into the main docs as they tend to repeat the main docs in a
slightly different way, but are valuable in their own right simply because
they explain the same thing from a different perspective.

I have personally drawn insight from the user comments area many times over
the years for exactly these reasons you point out - it's a different voice
or perspective and sometimes that is what is needed rather than only new
information. The volume and type of messages found in the user comments is
saying something. I think what you're seeing are the users looking for an
official php forum to build community around. 

I think there is a place somewhere in association with the official php
documentation for large collections of user submitted examples and voices.
Probably not inline with the content as it IS allot of noise and not
necessarily documentation. Possibly this is a link from the docs page to
this thing I am postulating. If that can be accommodated at some point - I
think there would be value to it. 

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