On Wed, Apr 7, 2010 at 06:41, Bill Salak <b...@devtemple.com> wrote:
>>Yes, documentation is tricky.  People, especially PHP users, come from so
> many different experience backgrounds that it is almost impossible to write
> one set of docs that speaks to everyone.  There are things in the user
> comments that I have seen people pick up on that I would have thought was
> completely obvious and unnecessary to document, but turn out to be extremely
> helpful to a few.  I think the bulk of our user comments are never going to
> get folded back into the main docs as they tend to repeat the main docs in a
> slightly different way, but are valuable in their own right simply because
> they explain the same thing from a different perspective.
> I have personally drawn insight from the user comments area many times over
> the years for exactly these reasons you point out - it's a different voice
> or perspective and sometimes that is what is needed rather than only new
> information. The volume and type of messages found in the user comments is
> saying something. I think what you're seeing are the users looking for an
> official php forum to build community around.
> I think there is a place somewhere in association with the official php
> documentation for large collections of user submitted examples and voices.

I don't think we want to maintain such forum. We don't even have the
manpower to maintain the current user notes, so expanding upon that
will require more people to help out - which we simply do not have.

There are also literally thousands of support/codesnippet/.. forums
around the web, in various languages and forms. It shouldn't be hard
to find such forum if the user wants to find it.

The user notes are awesome. I used them extensively when I first
started learning PHP, and still today I read notes people have
submitted on "underdocumented things".


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