Le Jeudi 8 Avril 2010 07:27:05, Yago Ferrer a écrit :
> Hi Yannick,

Hi Yago,

> Searching:
> I noticed that the 'filter' search doesn't show any results when you input
> a filename or a directory name. I think before it was working.

Witch filter do you talk about ? In witch module ? There are a filter field in 
all modules ;)

> Build Tools:
> The build tools are not working or don't show any data. If we can't run
> configure.php by demand its fine but It will be nice to know the last time
> php.net compiled the build and if it was successful and if not witch errors
> came back from it.

We just need to fix this issue with configure.php and php binary. After that, 
all will be fine in PhDOE.

> Select All:
> Some users (and there are a few) are not using the text editor embedded,
> they prefer copy / paste the text and work with their preferred editor. It
> will be nice to have a 'Select All' button to speed up the process. Because
> of this reason you should search for 'hard tabs' when you save your file
> after a copy / paste.

Why not just use CTRL+A when the focus is into the editor to do that ?
About tab, I search for it when I load the file into the editor, not when I 
save it. I will add this.

> Thanks!


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