On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 23:26, Daniel Convissor
<dani...@analysisandsolutions.com> wrote:
> Hi Philip:
> On Wed, Apr 21, 2010 at 12:05:03PM -0700, Philip Olson wrote:
>> Typically people use a symlink, see:
>>   http://wiki.php.net/doc/phd/view
> Oy.  Yet another documentation how to page. :)  I was looking at similar,

I hear you, brother.

>> And the 1.0 version of phd changed the directory naming scheme
> Does the the main php.net web server use a symlink for the docs output
> directory too?  Has that server been upgraded to 1.0 and the symlink
> changed yet?  Just making sure someone doesn't run "pear upgrade-all"
> resulting in the public seeing the old doc build for eternity while the
> new builds go into some new, unseen, directory.

We copy the folder from the phd output directory into the rsync space.
That box is running 1.0 as of couple of weeks ago, and yes, it has
been updated accordingly :)

> Another thought...  Having the output go into a format-named subdirectory
> is handy in one way: you can build/look at the various outputs without
> clobbering each other.  But in another, it is kind of a pain because one

That was the point indeed.

> loses ultimate control over where the output goes.  Perhaps we can add a
> flag that makes PhD not append the format name to the directory?

Yes. But the cli args are already "out of control".
Way to many and way to much hassle.
We need a better configuration system, preferably using config.nice
style "cache" :]


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