
is there any style guide or other reason why, for example, the Table of Contents at http://www.php.net/manual/en/class.mysqli.php mixes function syntax style ?

Sometimes it reads mysql->something, sometimes it reads mysql::something . I can imagine that this is an attempt to hint how the procedural mysqli syntax is mapped into the object oriented counterpart. On the other hand, there may be no particular reason and it has just been forgotten to align the syntax.

On pages such as http://www.php.net/manual/en/mysqli.client-info.php I am confused by the way the object oriented description is rendered:

Object oriented style
[empty white box]
string $client_info;

I think Anthony ("Tony" Bedford) could work on both issues once he's given some pointers what the intention is behind mixing mysql->something and mysql::something (and the empty white box).


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