On Mon, Dec 20, 2010 at 14:34, Alexey Shein <con...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2010/12/20 Simion Onea <simio...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi!
>> I'd like to raize this question again: Is it possible to send an email
>> to the translation team when a friday build fails, along with the
>> error? It would be really, really useful.
>> Regards,
>> Simion.
> Yes, it would be very useful. And if it's possible send an email not
> only by fridays but on every broken build (may be configurable
> option?). There is also should be an option to disable it at all by
> user if he doesn't want to receive these emails.

Was there a reason why docs.php.net didn't send out notifications?
I have some vague memories of mailing issues on that box.. but I don't
remember the problem..


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