First, this topic could be the following of , I suggest everyone
not in touch with it to read it carefully.

I started a new one to make things go faster, as I consider that
subject having slept enought by now.

The subject is clear : clean the official PHP Documentation from
mixing [old-and-not-supported-versions] infos and
[up-to-date-versions] infos in *a lot of* reference pages
If I don't give version numbers, it's because they are subject to debate.

Last time ( , we
suggested that [old-and-not-supported-versions] = PHP4 + PHP5.0 +
PHP5.1 ; and [up-to-date-versions] = PHP5.2 + PHP5.3

Last time, we had different options, but the one that came up (no
official vote has been made) is moving
[old-and-not-supported-versions] in a specific chapter, to keep an
history, like it's been done for PHP4 OO model , and prevent all the
reference manual pages from mixing  [old-and-not-supported-versions]
and [up-to-date-versions] stuff.

So now I would like every interested head to keep that debate and feed
it if not fed enought, vote for a solution, and implement it.
I should have been granted to commit on the whole doc by now and not
only the one I translate (french), so I can handle the diff according
to the plan we will decide by now.

All this work could be done together with the new version of the
manual actually worked on (


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