Hello, When I try configure and render manual with commands:

phpdoc$ php doc-base/configure.php --disable-segfault-error --enable-xml-details

 - configure says everything is OK

phpdocs$ phd -d /path/to/phpdocs/doc-base/.manual.xml -p rrd -o 
/dir-with-export/ -f xhtml -t chunkedhtml

most of files are rendered, but no class manual is rendered. e.g. 
/chunked-xhtml/class.datetime.html isn't presented. Url in my rendered manual 
exist, but html file itself doesn't. Manual for methods of this file are also 
rendered properly. 
Not only datetime class manual, but all of class manual page aren't rendered. 
Please help, what is wrong?

Miroslav Kubelik
rrd pecl developer

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