On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 23:13, koubel <kou...@seznam.cz> wrote:
> Hello, When I try configure and render manual with commands:
> phpdoc$ php doc-base/configure.php --disable-segfault-error 
> --enable-xml-details
>  - configure says everything is OK
> phpdocs$ phd -d /path/to/phpdocs/doc-base/.manual.xml -p rrd -o 
> /dir-with-export/ -f xhtml -t chunkedhtml
> most of files are rendered, but no class manual is rendered. e.g. 
> /chunked-xhtml/class.datetime.html isn't presented. Url in my rendered manual 
> exist, but html file itself doesn't. Manual for methods of this file are also 
> rendered properly.
> Not only datetime class manual, but all of class manual page aren't rendered. 
> Please help, what is wrong?

Sounds like a weird bug in PhD.. your "-p rrd" however is incorrect,
you are probably looking for "-p book.rrd" (that will render book.rrd
and all its children).

Actually.. No, its probably not a bug. Our class definitions use a
custom phpdoc namespace, which the vanilla standard packages do not
You have to use the PHP package ("-P PHP").


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