2011/3/30 Nikola Smolenski <smole...@eunet.rs>:
> I have noticed several errors on the list of inactive languages (
> http://docs.php.net/manual/help-translate.php ) (that could really be renamed
> to the list of languages in progress ;) ).
> When you attempt to view a manual in some of the languages, for example by
> going to http://docs.php.net/manual/rs , it will redirect you to a malformed
> URL http://docs.php.net/manual/en/rs which is a 404 page. The languages with
> this problem include Chinese (Hong Kong Cantonese), Chinese (Traditional),
> Catalan, Czech, Finnish, Lithuanian, Portuguese, Serbian and Slovenian.
> Other manuals have their links mixed up. Dutch and Norwegian manuals are in
> fact in Japanese, Greek is in fact in German, Hebrew and Italian are in fact
> in Persian, while Slovak and Swedish are in fact in Turkish.

I maintain Russian translation and it seems to be ok (although still
inactive). Possibly those translations have broken builds.

> On an unrelated note, given that I am the only translator for my language, do
> I need to review my own translations (add the <!-- Reviewed: yes --> comment)
> for the manual to be built, or will it be built anyway and these comments are
> only for internal use?

I can answer this one. This comment doesn't affect the build it's just
for your internal work, it's also used in online editor (section
unreviewed files). It's also parsed here:
https://doc.php.net/trantools/ see reviewedcheck_ru.html (replace ru
with your lang code). So if you don't use it - it's ok, but probably
will mess some things in future edition work in your translation. For
example, I put in all my translations <!-- Reviewed: no --> comment by
default until somebody else reviews it and vice versa - I change it to
"yes" after reviewing translations from other people.

Shein Alexey

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