Richard Riley <> writes:

> Alexey Shein <> writes:
>> 2011/6/3 Richard Riley <>:
>>> Alexey Shein <> writes:
>>>> 2011/6/3 Richard Riley <>:
>>>>> I am trying to set up a local php web for doc lookup. I followed the
>>>>> instructions here
>>>>> but this line
>>>>> phd -d doc-base/.manual.xml -o output_dir -f php -P PHP
>>>>> falls over with
>>>>> [08:28:02 - E_USER_ERROR          ] 
>>>>> /usr/share/php/phpdotnet/phd/Options/Handler.php:165
>>>>>        Invalid Package (Tried: 'PHP' Supported: 'Generic')
>>>> It seems that you installed only Generic phd package and not PHP one
>>>> (i.e. that used for rendering php docs).
>>>> This link can help (see PEAR install)
>>>> You can also try pear option --alldeps if dependencies still not
>>>> fetched automatically.
>>> Ah yes. Thanks. Another case of too many cooks spoiling the broth. The
>>> other instructions I followed didn't mention this
>>> pear install
>>> Many thanks for your prompt help,
>> You're welcome. You also may want to setup your local "mirror", see
>> for instructions, and this will give
>> you some "fuzzy" searching like on, but it kinda slow (2-3
>> sec) on my box, but YMMV.
> Yeah, I'm doing that now but its still not finding the docs (I put the
> symbolic link in my web mirror back to my phpdocs/manual/en
> too). There's a lot of conflicting and incomplete info out there in php
> doc land but I'll find my through ;)

My local mirror is still not able to find functions or fuzzy search
despite building php docs locally and linking them.

I feel sure I have passed some point where I missed an important step
and am now blind to it.

According to here


| ln -s /path/to/phd/php /path/to/your/webroot/phpweb/manual/en

should bring it in. But there is no php directory created by the
rendering process under the phd root. So which is it requiered for the
search engine on the mirror?

Tope level is

| -rwxr-xr-x  1 shamrock shamrock  308 Jun  3 08:41
| drwxr-xr-x 12 shamrock shamrock 4096 Jun  3 09:33 doc-base
| drwxr-xr-x 14 shamrock shamrock 4096 Jun  3 08:44 en
| drwxr-xr-x  8 shamrock shamrock 4096 Jun  3 13:55 output

Now, output contains the index.sqlite, linking my-php-vhost/manual/en to
here I still dont see any docs when I search.

Output contains no php directory but a php-web containing the docs.

The index.sqlite is populated.

A gentle prod in the right direction would be appreciated..

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