On 14 June 2011 11:31, Kalle Sommer Nielsen <ka...@php.net> wrote:
> Hi Richard
> 2011/6/14 Richard Quadling <rquadl...@gmail.com>:
>> Do we want the namespace to be a sub directory or do we want name the
>> '\' in the namespace translated to '_' or '-' or something like that?
> I thought of the same thing a while back, and to keep the "style" that
> we currently got, then how about doing it like:
> "namespace.[class|interface]" as the directory name and
> class/interface synopsis files, so if we have a simple structure like
> this in a project:
> namespace Project;
> class database { }
> class userapi { }
> interface extension { }
> We will have a phpdoc structure like the following (without including
> the default files):
> ~/phpdoc/en/reference/project/
> project.database.xml - (Project\database class synopsis)
> project.userapi.xml - (Project\userapi class synopsis)
> project.extension.xml - (Project\extension interface synopsis)
> etc.
> And for methods and implementations, we would have the following in
> the same directory:
> project.database/construct.xml
> project.database/destruct.xml
> project.userapi/login.xml
> project.extension/getmetainfo.xml
> etc.
> I don't think this structure will collide with anything we currently
> got, thoughts?
> --
> regards,
> Kalle Sommer Nielsen
> ka...@php.net

So in phpdoc\scripts\docgen\docgen.php, format_filename() changes the
namespace separator (\) to (.).

The CHM's build using that OK.

I think it works well visually.

Here is the Functions page ...

Functional Functions
Table of Contents
•Functional\all — Description
•Functional\any — Description
•Functional\detect — Description
•Functional\each — Description
•Functional\invoke — Description
•Functional\map — Description
•Functional\none — Description
•Functional\pluck — Description
•Functional\reduce_left — Description
•Functional\reduce_right — Description
•Functional\reject — Description
•Functional\select — Description

So, if there is a mix of namespaced and non-namespaced functions, it
should work OK.

The file 
contains the xml:id="function.functional-all".

The whole thing SEEMS to work from the DocGen perspective OK with that 1 change.

I'll commit the change to DocGen and that will allow the successful
creation of the template documentation for the Functional extension.

Richard Quadling
Twitter : EE : Zend : PHPDoc
@RQuadling : e-e.com/M_248814.html : bit.ly/9O8vFY : bit.ly/lFnVea

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