On Thu, Sep 8, 2011 at 11:38 AM, Roel Vanhout <roel.vanh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to create a list of all php functions in the manual with
> their function signatures as they appear in the php docs, e.g.
> file
> array file ( string $filename [, int $flags = 0 [, resource $context ]] )
> I need this to easily get 'tooltips' of php function signatures in
> vim, so that I don't have to go online just to look up the order of
> arguments each time.
> I rather naively thought I could generate such a list from the php
> docs but I can't really find a way to go about it. I thought the
> easiest way would be to parse the xml myself and bypass the docbook
> toolchain. I ran into problems with entities that I can't find
> anywhere; e.g. php-doc\en\reference\curl\reference.xml uses an entity
> 'reference.curl.entities.functions' that isn't defined anywhere as far
> as I can tell. Is this generated when building the docs?
> Either way, my second option would be to use the existing stylesheets;
> that would do the formatting of the signature (with optional arguments
> etc) for me. I looked through the doc-base\scripts directory and
> elsewhere but I can't find a concise way there either. I guess I'd
> have to write a stripped down stylesheet in parallel with the html,
> pdf etc ones, or run the html one and extract the pieces I need from
> there. Is there a run-a-single-script way to build the php docs? I'm
> on Windows, maybe that makes things more complicated.
> Frankly at this point in time it seems the easiest way is to walk over
> doc-base\funclist.txt, grab the function's page from the php website
> and parse the function signature out of the html - which would make me
> go %| if that is truly the easiest way. Is there anyone who can point
> me in the right direction on how to go about extracting custom
> information from the php documentation sources?

see http://marc.info/?l=phpdoc&m=130983259607421
PhP_IDE seems to be the tool for the job:

Ferenc Kovács
@Tyr43l - http://tyrael.hu

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