Hi Peter,

You must right click on a file in the "patch for review" section (on your
left). Then, choose the "view diff" option.
A window open, you review the diff and it's a "good" modification, you can
change the owner of this modification to you (or delete the patch). Then,
you have to commit all of files under your username.


2012/3/6 Pieter de Zwart <pdezw...@rubiconproject.com>

> Please forgive my lack of knowledge, but I see a patch listed for review
> by mch:
> * (update) On 2011-10-11 06:36:22 by mch : en/reference/amqp/constants.xml
> I logged into edits.php.net, but I could not figure out how to see what
> the patch was. I seem to have three options: Continue to modify this file,
> Reject this patch, Validate this patch. Do I choose one of those, and if
> so, how do I see the diff?
> Thanks!
> Pieter
> On 3/5/12 5:00 AM, "phpdoc@lists.php.net" <phpdoc@lists.php.net> wrote:
> >Hello PHP EN Documentation team,
> >
> >There are contributions within the online editor queue for this language.
> >Please review, then commit or delete these patches.
> >
> >    Patches for review :
> >    -----------------------
> >        * (update) On 2011-05-26 09:31:28 by uw :
> >en/reference/mysqlnd_ms/concepts.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-06-27 21:34:04 by guilhermeblanco :
> >en/language/predefined/errorexception/construct.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-08-16 11:29:39 by rdohms :
> >en/reference/strings/functions/strrchr.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-08-21 16:53:17 by ch :
> >en/reference/snmp/snmp/construct.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-08-21 17:01:11 by ch :
> >en/reference/snmp/book.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-09-24 04:35:10 by mch :
> >en/language/predefined/variables/server.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-10-11 06:36:22 by mch :
> >en/reference/amqp/constants.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-10-12 00:44:09 by mch :
> >en/reference/gearman/gearmanclient.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-13 19:18:10 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/curl/functions/curl-setopt-array.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-15 11:21:38 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/bzip2/functions/bzwrite.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-15 11:21:59 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/apc/apciterator/construct.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-15 11:26:44 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/apc/functions/apc-bin-dumpfile.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-15 11:32:27 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/zlib/functions/gzgetss.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-15 11:35:47 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/amqp/amqpexchange/publish.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-15 11:43:59 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/apc/functions/apc-add.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-15 11:46:45 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/apc/functions/apc-bin-dump.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-15 11:47:47 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/apc/functions/apc-cache-info.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-15 11:48:46 by anonymous :
> >en/reference/apc/functions/apc-clear-cache.xml
> >        * (update) On 2011-11-27 19:57:45 by joey :
> >en/reference/apc/ini.xml
> >        * (update) On 2012-01-01 12:55:20 by anonymous :
> >en/language/variables.xml
> >
> >
> >
> >--
> >https://edit.php.net/
> >This email is send automatically by the Php Docbook Online Editor.

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