On Mon, Sep 10, 2012 at 10:30 AM, Daniel Convissor
<dani...@analysisandsolutions.com> wrote:
> Hi Sherif:
> I like the idea of flagging a comment.  Voting down can take too long to
> produce results.  Particularly if a lousy note is way down on the bottom
> (chronologically or vote wise) of a page with a lot of comments, so few
> people get that far to add their additional down vote.
> I haven't looked at your UI, but someone mentioned it being complicated.
> It seems all that's needed is an input box for peple to explain why the
> item is problematic.

I'm note sure what is complicated about the interface. I tried to
simplify it as much as possible by providing the lowest possible
bar-to-entry. For example, you don't have to leave the page to flag a
user note if you have javascript enabled. You get a specific set of
choices to select a reason for why you feel the note should be flagged
(including an optional field for any additional explanation you'd like
to offer or even an email address to be contacted). I felt that the
reasons offered were generic enough to fit any of the categorical
reasons a user might have for wanting to report a note to a moderator.
The UI also degrades gracefully from its javascript component and
links to a page where you see the note you're flagging, can fill in
all the necessary information (which is really just a single required
field provided as a drop-down combo-box -- it doesn't get any simpler
than that), and then be directed back to the page you came from.

You can see demonstration of the features I put up at
http://php.sheriframadan.com/manual/en/function.strstr.php#107588 to
get an idea. If there are any suggestions for improving that I'd be
happy to take them into consideration. It's a work-in-progress after
all :)

I don't think that what was meant was that the UI itself is
complicated, but that offering multiple options for what is seemingly
serving the same ultimate purpose (deciding on what notes are, or are
not, useful). That's probably not an invalid argument, in all
fairness. I just happen to be arguing that there's justification for
both. :)

> Thanks,
> --Dan
> --
>  T H E   A N A L Y S I S   A N D   S O L U T I O N S   C O M P A N Y
>             data intensive web and database programming
>                 http://www.AnalysisAndSolutions.com/
>         4015 7th Ave #4, Brooklyn NY 11232  v: 718-854-0335

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