On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 3:17 PM, Peter Cowburn <petercowb...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On 26 June 2013 21:10, Levi Morrison <morrison.l...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I currently don't know anything about PHD. I'm willing to learn and work
>> on this, but my understanding is that before I make any changes that I am
>> supposed to mail this list to get input.
> This certainly feels like something we should be doing in PhD-land.
>  "Fixing" the docs would be a nightmare, we wrap everything in <para>s. And
> remember that HTML isn't the only output format for our docs, any changes
> to the DocBook structure must take the other media into consideration.

The general impression I had was that I should get more feedback from this.
Do I have a green light from Peter Cowburn alone or should I be waiting for
other responses?

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