Hi there!

I would like to apply for a VCS account to assist with documentation
maintenance, but would feel quite rude if I hadn't introduced myself first.

I'm a long-time lurker and occasional contributor over on the internals
list, with a couple of minor pull requests merged into core.

One of my contributions to core included a new feature which currently has
no associated documentation. I logged in to the OE but was unable to do
anything as I am not allowed to create new files (or folders) anonymously
via the OE.

I occasionally look over the bug tracker in times of boredom and see if
there's anything I can tackle. Normally there's not much I can do on the
code front, but there does seem to be a number of documentation issues I
can assist with. I did one yesterday (https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65614)
but then I was blocked when attempting my second one (
https://bugs.php.net/bug.php?id=65512) since it needs a new file.

I've got a local copy of the docs repo and had a play with the kitten.

If preferred I can submit a patch for my proposed changes here before
applying for a VCS account. I'm sure you'll want to see more than the
1-liner patch I already did.



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