Some of you may have noticed that I've been on a bit of a crusade to
nuke as many issues as possible in the OE - keep the patches list
empty, evaluate changes that are left in "work in progress" by users
who don't realise they need to create a patch (I know this is an issue
as I have previously done it myself).

The patches list is now empty, the work-in-progress list is now "tidy"
(the only things in there are some improvements I'm making to the LDAP
docs and partial docs for a feature that will be in 5.6) and now I am
eyeing up that huge list of "strict standards" errors.

I know the new MD-esque format is pretty much definitely going to
happen, but the OCD tendencies within me would like to see all zeros
in that side bar, which brings about a couple of questions:

- What sort of timescale are we looking at for this (I'm not expecting
dates but maybe weeks vs. months vs. years?)
- The only outstanding strict standards errors remaining are
missingInitializer errors. The vast majority of these are arguably not
really errors - many functions that take an optional arg don't really
have a default value for those args, especially those functions that
take by-ref output args (for example exec()). Can we do something
about this (and is it worth it given the answer to Q1)?

For this second question, really there are three options:

- Change any args that don't really have a default value to an
initializer of null, which is the closest that PHP has to a convention
in this respect
- Change the strict standards rules
- Do nothing

I know many/most will tend toward option 3, but if it's going to be
months/years before we get the new format I personally would rather do
1 or 2 (probably 2).

My main reason for clearing out these backlogs is that backlogs cause
the tools to become less useful, old things hanging around just
becomes noise. Ideally I'd like to see everything emptied (and I'm
quite prepared to put the work in to accomplish this) but I don't want
to do it if we will be scrapping docbook in a fortnight, and I want to
make sure that the community is agreed with the direction any work
I/we do put in.

Sorry for the giant essay :-)

Cheers, Chris

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