Hi Tomas,

> > them into a "lib/head.ps" header file. This file is now included from
> ...
> I just downloaded the testing version and can't find it there?

Hmm, it should be there:

   $ tar tvfz picoLisp.tgz |grep head.ps
   -rw-r--r-- abu/abu         641 2009-05-05 15:19 lib/head.ps

But I just notice that I don't call it in "lib/ps.l" with an '@'. Could
this be the reason, if you call it from another directory? If so, please
change line 47 of "lib/ps.l" for now, from

   (in "lib/head.ps" (echo))


   (in "@lib/head.ps" (echo))

> I guess it might be enough to get the Russian and Japanese fonts and
> configure ghostscript to find them.

Perhaps. But I'm still uncertain about the stuff with ISOLatin1Encoding
in the beginning of "head.ps". I suspect we would need something
different here.

- Alex
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