I have to disagree. Having a framework comes later. There are two
things that work against picolisp.

1. Lack of floating point numbers. Yes I know its a design decision
and yes I know its not likely to change. But it is a lack that does
put a lot of potential users off in the first five minutes, even if
the problem they are trying to solve right now does not neat flaoting
point numbers.

2. Lack of documentation. The langauge reference is terse and hard to
understand. Meanwhile what tutorials do exist only cover a small
faction of the langage. THis leaves it dificult to work out how most
of the language needs to be used. In particular the list manipulation
primites are just not adaquatly covered anywhere.

This is the big one in my opinion. And having good documentation is
very much part of what made languages like Python and Ruby take off in
the first place. Python started life as a teching language so it had
doccumentation from the begining.

This is about as far as I end up getting every time I have a foray
into using picoLisp. I love the language in theory, but Just can't do
anything with it in practice. Often I work at odd moments without an
internet connection and getting to the I can't find any way to do X
problem is likely to end with I'll do it in python, rather then a post
to mailing list.

3. Having a home grown database, rather then a clean binding to
various SQL backends is likewise problametic. For a commerical point
of view I would never be willing to recommend such a setup as it would
expose me to too much Risk.

Eventually data loss will occure. and If you are the one who chose
this unproven technology without wide industry acceptence you are the
one who will get all the blame.



On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 8:33 AM, Terry Palfrey
<terrypalfrey...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 5:42 AM, Jakob Eriksson <ja...@aurorasystems.eu>
> wrote:
>> Don't confuse the silence of the majority for consent, one way or another,
>> it's like politics. The most vocal proponents of any standpoint, are not
>> likely to represent any majority.  And I haven't even touched on the
>> possibility that the majority can be wrong. Right or wrong or correct
>> or useful is not decided in a popularity contest.
> In a world where all is (1's) and (0's) making the machine bow to your
> vision is a
> complex undertaking. You can use remote robotic constructions which are
> simply
> abstracted abstractions of a belief system or you can work more closely to
> what
> you are thinking of having happen. It doesn't matter what the world thinks
> or what
> the experts declare but it often has something to do with ego, bias and
> money.
> Lisp as written about across the net and through interviews and books comes
> with
> a guarantee, it is smaller code, faster development and more direct
> expression
> and now computing power has caught up but mindset lags.
>> PicoLisp is old, but
>> PicoLisp in a sense is very new - in the area where I personally see most
>> potential (embedded in embedded hardware and embedded in programs), it has
>> had a proprietary friendly license only since 2010. On the server it
>> gained
>> a 64 bit port only in 2009 and for reference and research a Java version
>> 2010.
>> Super easy library calling also came with the 64 bit version.
> Perhaps a look at what Perl, Ruby, Python et al did to become popular holds
> the
> clue to the logical step to promoting Picolisp to the  next level. Ruby got
> and things got all excited. Is there a framework that Picolisp could bolt on
> that
> would allow neat things to be experienced? A couple of web applications that
> could promote its name? Little tools that could be linked into the framework
> or
> apps that people could use immediately like a blogger or display for
> pictures for
> those who don't use things like drupal or flickr or can take personal stored
> material
> and quickly make it go to those places with automagic logins and uploads?
> Just some thoughts.
> Terry

read my mind at: http://the-willows.blogspot.com/
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