Hello all!
As I like to do something useful when I learn a new language, I decided to do a backup system.
I obviously chose to use the integrated database engine to store the meta-data.
Unfortunately, the timings I get are starting to frighten me:

# Backup returns the number of +File insertions
# Before each run, I removed the database dir and exited pil, in order to ensure no interference.
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
0.303 sec
-> 322
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
2.252 sec
-> 644
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
7.677 sec
-> 966
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
18.238 sec
-> 1288
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
35.535 sec
-> 1610
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
64.718 sec
-> 1932
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
107.136 sec
-> 2254
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
163.182 sec
-> 2576
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
227.789 sec
-> 2898
: (bench (Backup "/tmp/pico"))
316.216 sec
-> 3220

As you can see, given the progression, it will soon take more time to store the meta-data than processing the data itself.
Does anybody see if I made a mistake in my code?

(class +Chunk +Entity)
(rel cs (+Need +Number))                      # checksum of this chunk
(rel files (+List +Joint) chunks (+File))     #

(class +File +Entity)
(rel pth (+Need +Ref +String))                # file path
(rel size (+Need +Number))                    # file size
(rel accessTime (+Need +Number))              #
(rel modifyTime (+Need +Number))              #
(rel changeTime (+Need +Number))              #
(rel inode (+Need +Ref +Number))              #
(rel links (+Need +Number))                   #
(rel uid (+Need +Number))                     #
(rel gid (+Need +Number))                     #
(rel accessRights (+Need +Number))            #
(rel target (+String))                        # target of the softlink (if any)
(rel chunks (+List +Joint) files (+Chunk))    # list of chunks (if any)
(rel backups (+List +Joint) files (+Backup))  #

(class +Backup +Entity)
(rel name (+Ref +String))                     # name of this backup
(rel startDT (+Need +Ref +String)) # start datetime of this backup (stamp T) (rel endDT (+String)) # end datetime of this backup (empty if not finished)
(rel exclusions (+List +String))              # exclusion flags
(rel inclusions (+List +String))              # inclusion flags
(rel basePath (+Need +List +String))          # paths considered for this backup
(rel hostName (+Need +Ref +String))           # name of the host being backup'd
(rel files (+List +Joint) backups (+File))    #

   (0 +Chunk)
   (0 +File)
   (0 (+File pth inode))
   (4 +Backup)
   (0 (+Backup name startDT hostName)) )
(let pa "/tmp/test_db"
   (ifn (info pa)              # if it does not already exists...
      (call 'mkdir pa) )       # create the path to store the DB
   (pool (pack pa "/") *Dbs) ) # open the DB

# fake...
(de addFile (Bk P)
   (let o
      (request '(+File)
          'pth P
          'size 0
          'accessTime 1
          'modifyTime 2
          'changeTime 3
          'inode 4
          'links 1
          'uid 1001
          'gid 1002
          'accessRights 766 )
         (append (; 'o backups) Bk) )
      o ) )

(de Backup (rootPath)
   (let obj1
      (request '(+Backup)
          'name (stamp)
          'startDT (stamp)
          'basePath rootPath
          'hostName (host "localhost") )
      (put! *DB 'currentBackup obj1)
      # now, walk the path
      (let Dir rootPath
         (recur (Dir)
            (for F (dir Dir)
               (let Path (pack Dir "/" F)
                  (addFile obj1 Path)
                  # note: change this test: it considers a link to a dir as a 
                  (if (=T (car (info Path)))
                     (recurse Path) ) ) ) ) )
      (length (get obj1 'files)) ) )

Thanks for your time.

Laurent ARTAUD
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