Hi Laurent,

ha, our mails just crossed their ways :)

> What I intended for was to have an immediate list of the +Files for
> any +Backup, and to be able to know if any +File had no +Backup
> anymore for cleanup.
> I guess I'll have to query the database for all the +File linking to
> a given +Backup, here (I haven't yet done more than gloss over this
> part of the tutorial...)

Yes. You can get this list with 'collect':

   : (select +Backup)
   {5-1} (+Backup)
      hostName "software-lab"
      basePath ("erp")
      startDT "2012-07-31 21:20:57"
      name "2012-07-31 21:20:57"

   : (collect 'backups '+File (db 'startDT '+Backup "2012-07-31 21:20:57"))
   -> (...)

> I'll have to study this carefully, because I do need the 'request'
> concept, here: when doing a subsequent backup, I don't want to
> re-create all the +Files that are already in the database. The idea

Yes, that's what occurred to me, and I wrote it in my previous mail.

So, 'request' is correct in this case. Just, as I said, the difficult
point is to determine what the "identity" of a file means.

- Alex
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