Christophe Gragnic
<> writes:

Hi Christophe,

> This thread is meant to collect ideas about PilMCU.
> At least mine (because I need to clean them up a bit)
> and ideas of other PicoLispers (out of curiosity).
> Maybe some items will look more like questions like «is it even possible?»!

that last sentence describes the situation very well for people who have
not been in the 'embedded world' so far (like me) - they can let their
imagination (about PilMCU) flow, but most likely some seasoned embedded
programmer will bring them back-to-earth soon. 

For me the fascination about the PilMCU chip lies in the fact that, even
if it might be slower or more expensive than available mass products, I
can program it in PicoLisp. For others this might be a huge advantage
over doing embedded programming in other environments (which they
already know), for me it would allow me to try out embedded programming
without having to learn all the usual related stuff, I would simply skip
the painfull part and directly go to the fun part, so to say.

The problem is that I don't know exactly how that fun part would look
like in the end? Whats the state-of-the-art in robotics e.g.? How
difficult would it be to use the PilMCU chip as the "brain" of an
otherwise fully functional roboter(-tool-kit) - if at all possible? 

What about (connecting) smart home devices etc? All my ideas are
application oriented, i.e. I imagine an interesting use of a chip that
is programmed in PicoLisp, but these ideas can be turned down easily by
saying "this would be cheaper & faster when simply running 64bit
PicoLisp on a regular mass-product chip".

So I think this thread is a good idea, and hope it helps me to make up
my mind about realistic possibilities of PilMUC. 



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