On Tue, Aug 04, 2015 at 09:40:18AM +0000, George Orais wrote:
> > Not just "prefer" ... There is no way to run PilOS on 32-bits.
> Besides> the fact that there is no ARM port yet.

> Ah yes coz PilOS is fully based on pil64. Ah you mean there is no ARM
> port of the pil32 yet right? i thought someone here has successfuly
> install picolisp on an ARM device? or its not enough to consider as ARM
> port?

Nono, there are plenty of ARM installations on pil32. I have it even
running on my Kobo E-Book reader. Just did an apt-get install picolisp

I meant ARMv8 of course :)

> (A P F E L) = A Portable For Every Lispers(A P F E L) = A Platform For Every 
> Lispers(A P F E L) = A Platform For Embedded Lisp(A P F E L) = A Playground 
> For Every Lispers(A P F E L) = A Playground For Embedded Lisp(A P F E L) = 
> Alex Platform For Embedded Lisp(A P F E L) = Alex Platform For Every 
> Lispers(A P F E L) = Alex Playground For Embedded Lisp(A P F E L) = Abu's 
> Platform For Embedded Lisp(A P F E L) = Abu's Platform For Every Lispers(A P 
> F E L) = Abu's Playground For Embedded Lisp

Hehe, I see. I thought you meant it as a pun on that company.
"Apfel" is German for "Apple".

♪♫ Alex
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