On Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 11:29:13AM +0700, Robert Herman wrote:
> What does Alex and everyone else think about implementing a game engine
> from scratch, wrapping a few libraries, or wrapping an entire JS game
> framework?

This indeed very hard to say. All options are possible, but the decision
depends on the goal and how close existing stuff is to it.

I don't know any game libraries or frameworks. What would be the task of
PicoLisp in such a project? Using the database to model the game world?

> And for a stretch, is there anyway to generate C to be compiled into llvm
> bytecode with llvm-gcc or clang? Or am I missing something, and we can
> somehow make a PicoLisp to llvm module,

For which purpose? What C would you "generate", and what is the role of
LLVM then?

> so we can generate JS with
> emscripten? I can see programming a pure PicoLisp game engine, and then
> running it in the browser after it has been translated to JS.

I see not much benefit to write something in PicoLisp and then translate
it to JS. You lose all advantages of PicoLisp, so that writing it
directly in JS is a lot better.

♪♫ Alex
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