Actually, I find that you can statically link most libraries on
Linux and that tends to remove almost all distribution problems.

best regards,

On 20/04/16 07:57, Alexander Burger wrote:
> Hi Rob,
>> HTML5, JS and family come into the picture when you want to distribute or
>> share your game. Distribution is king, and sadly it is asking too much to
>> have a basic user/player to install PicoLisp so they can play your game,
> Yes, that's the problem. As long as you go for a native Linux solution,
> using C libraries and GUI, you run into trouble with distribution. There
> are so many different Linuxes around that it becomes a full-time job to
> provide turn-key packages for all of them. I addition, PicoLisp may run
> also natively on Windows now that Microsoft jumped onto the train.
> An online implementation doesn't have these problems, but has other
> limitations.
> As I said, it all depends on the type of game, and on which is based.
> Some JavaScript framework is probably the easiest, it would communicate
> with a PicoLisp server in a similar way as @lib/canvas.l and
> @lib/canvas.js, using XMLHttpRequest().
> ♪♫ Alex

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