1. sudo apt-get install picolisp; pil -> (version) -> see for yourself

The version in the distribution package repositories are usually (naturally) a 
bit outdated.
To compile your own picolisp version during hand-install you require a usable 
picolisp version already installed (or java runtime as last resort), so you 
want to apt-get install picolisp anyway.

As changes in releases are usually tiny and almost never (just almost, but hey) 
breaking existing functionality/usage, even an a bit older version of picolisp 
is sufficient.
The introduction page of the new website is obviously directed at picolisp 
beginners, so this should be alright.

JUST DO IT dude, you are pondering too much...

2. I don't know of anyone running pil on this vocore device or even under 
OpenWRT distro, so you might have to try out yourself. Post your experiences 
with it here and/or on the wiki for other users. :-)

Picolisp is tiny both in storage size and memory footprint, so it does great on 
these tiny computers and is in fact used for embedded computing by a number of 

----- Original Message -----
From: Lawrence Bottorff [mailto:borg...@gmail.com]
To: picolisp@software-lab.de
Sent: Sun, 8 May 2016 11:44:48 -0400
Subject: Two questions

1. The new spiffy (flotte?) Website says just go ahead, Ubuntu users, and
do an apt-get install picolisp. Good, but is that a nice, recent version --
or would it be better to hand-install?

2. Does picolisp run on this little guy: http://vocore.io/ . . . In
general, what's picolisp's track record on all these tiny computers?


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