Hi Alexander,

you are right :-)
Because I just dived in to help and also reorder stuff, I had to start

I intend to e.g. remove the link to PLEAC when its separate pages on the
Wiki are complete.

As I hadn't encountered your page yet, I just didn't know.
I just fast searched Google for useful links and missed yours!

If you'd agree we could incorporate your stuff in the Wiki, in order to
have it central.
I am happy to put it on the Wiki in a consistent style and refer to you of

In the past I've seen, mostly personal, websites, having very good content,
vanish some day and with that all the useful stuff vanishes.
Since the Wiki is backed by Alex, I guess thart is the safest place to have
it all.

Please let me know!

Your suggestion about the off topic links is noted and will be taken care

Apart from this all I'd like to rework the Wiki a bit, after having
incorporated a lot of stuff.
Currently I have issues finding what I'd like on it.

Also, please forgive my ignorance. I'm really new to PicoLisp and have to
learn a lot.


2018-05-31 2:34 GMT+02:00 Alexander Williams <a...@unscramble.co.jp>:

> I'm also not sure why there's a link to Alexander Burger's twitter, the
> t-shirt, and "Hire a guru" on that page. What does that even have to do
> with "Documentation" and "Examples" ?
> Perhaps I can suggest moving those links to the home page, and moving
> all external "documentation" links to that page (i.e: removing the
> "Other resources" and "Repositories" from the Documentation page)... in
> any case, the docs are quite confusing now with this additional section,
> so I think it would be nice to have things a bit more organized.
> Cheers,
> AW
> On 05/27/2018 03:03 PM, Arie van Wingerden wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > started to put all PLEAC examples in the Wiki, inorder to preserve the
> > material in case PLEAC vanishes sometime, because it is not updated often
> > anymore. You could say that is was substituted in some way by the famous
> > "Rosetta Code".
> >
> > Since this it quite a bit of work, I started with the first part and
> > already put a chuck online.
> >
> > Everything will be linked from this page:
> >    https://picolisp.com/wiki/?PCE
> >
> > As you can see I did a few things different than on PLEAC:
> > 1. added clickable links to involved reference docs
> > 2. checked if every example still works in latest PicoLisp version
> >
> > Please correct me if I made mistakes :)
> >
> > Best
> >    Arie
> >

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