I agree with Alexander. Base font would be better if bigger as before. I
don't have much issue with look and feel of italicized content but base
text be bigger (also with bigger base text italics may have to redefined).
The earlier wiki settings were also great and only some categorization of
articles was required. I got extremely occupied in other things and
couldn't focus on organization in last months here however it was well
placed in my mind.

With further suggestions from Mr Burger, I think we should focus on giving
quality articles that are well managed and organized. Fonts, look and
presence were great even before.

I have also not followed this discussion closely. So if this is being done
with collective decision making then it may be ok to continue with
improvements. I'll be happy to contribute in any way I can. :)


सा विद्या या विमुक्तये

On Mon, Jun 25, 2018, 7:10 AM Alexander Williams <a...@unscramble.co.jp>

> Hello,
> I haven't been following the recent website changes, but right now it
> seems the picolisp.com website is much worse than it used to be. A
> regression.
> A few issues I noted:
>  - text is too small. Please use browser relative sizes in "em" and "%"
> instead of "px".
>  - don't put code samples in "bold". This is very hard to read.
>  - don't use italics for headers and section headers.
>  - code samples background colour fights with text. bg should be much
> lighter.
>  - don't use black #000 for text, but something a bit lighter like #222
> or #333.
>  - don't limit the page to use 60% of the browser window, it's a waste
> of real-estate (too much whitespace on left/right). That technique
> should be reserved for blogs/articles.
> I'm not a designer, but I think the above is common sense.
> Cheers,
> AW

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