> You mean the settings page in PilBox? This is indeed the easiest way, just
> type
> a name like "radio" or "browser" and hit the Download button.

Yes, the settings page in PilBox - Cool, I was able to download the apps -
I tried the browser and calc. However, it looks like I may not be able to
use it to download apps hosted at a custom location right? Say if I need to
download a custom app hosted at an internet visible location -


> > Btw, on a related topic - I noticed that when I install picolisp using
> > apk-get on my ubuntu, I get "@java/lib.l" installed however, it does not
> > seem to be a part of the main picolisp source distribution. Is there
> > another place I can get those sources?
> This directory was deprecated in one of the last releases. Ubuntu is a bit
> outdated.
> The reason was that it is not maintained any longer, and the same but
> always
> up-to-date functionality is now in PilBox.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --
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