You would also include "[" in the 'echo' arguments, then check it with

   (use S
            (setq S
               (echo "[" "volume" "unadjustedVolume") ) )
         (if (= "[" S)
            (... step through the elements ...)
            (echo ",")
            (prin ".0,") ) )

I usually use
 (case (echo "[" "volume" "unadjustedVolume")
    (("volume" "unadjustedVolume")
       (echo ",")
       (prin ".0,") )
       ... handle error case, if you like ...)
        ... general else case ) )

No additional variable needed, and one can have readable code even when handling many cases. Easy to additionally handle NIL returned from (echo) - probably doesn't matter (too unlikely) when processing a file, but probably handy when processing a input stream from network (e.g. curl).


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