About "restricted" - the observation is as follows -
- I hit localhost:3000
- click on a tag - say "RED"
- edit it and change it's name to "RED1" and click done
- go to pil debug session and call (print-all) - I can see that RED has
been changed to RED1 everywhere
- hit localhost:3000 on a new tab in the browser - the change is gone -
it's back to RED

Is there something missing in my ER that prevents the change from being
"committed" properly?


On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 10:12 AM Alexander Burger <a...@software-lab.de>

> On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 09:49:09AM -0800, C K Kashyap wrote:
> > Celebrated too soon!
> :)
> > (dm url> (Tab)
> >   (and (list "task.l" '*ID This)) )
> This is correct, though the 'and' has no function here.
> you could either do
>    (dm url> (Tab)
>       (list "task.l" '*ID This) )
> so that 'url>' retuns the value unconditionally, or (the standard way)
>    (dm url> (Tab)
>       (and (may SomePermission) (list "task.l" '*ID This)) )
> so that links etc. using this method are enabled only if the logged-in
> user has
> that permission.
> > I created a url> for the tag - I noticed though that modification of the
> > tag is restricted to the process in which the change is made.
> What do you mean with "restricted"?
> This looks OK:
> > code is here
> > <https://github.com/ckkashyap/picolispAppPractice/tree/master/step05> -
> the
> (action
>    (html 0 Ttl "@lib.css" NIL
>       (idForm "TAG" '(choTag) 'nm '+TagNm *CanEdit *CanDelete '( (: nm) )
>          (<grid> 2
>             "Name" (gui '(+E/R +TextField) '(nm : home obj) 40)
>             )
>          )
>       )
>    )
> ☺/ A!ex
> --
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