On Sat, Dec 14, 2019 at 12:05:06PM -0800, C K Kashyap wrote:
> About "restricted" - the observation is as follows -
> - I hit localhost:3000
> - click on a tag - say "RED"
> - edit it and change it's name to "RED1" and click done


> - go to pil debug session and call (print-all) - I can see that RED has
> been changed to RED1 everywhere

What is this "pil debug session"? You could connect to the running server with
psh, or start another GUI process by connecting with an new browser window, and
should see the changes as being persistent.

Or do you call a new process? It seems that you then re-create everything, by
loading "init.l"::

   (de main ()
       (load "init.l")

☺/ A!ex

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