Could you point me to a beginner's treatment of this topic, especially an
example of a graph database, and what exactly a picolisp pointer is?

I'm afraid I don't even know what you mean by a pointer in this context. I
know from C what a pointer is, but a picolisp pointer is beyond my

On Fri, Mar 13, 2020 at 3:28 PM Alexander Burger <>

> Hi Lawrence,
> > I take it the picolisp graph database follows more the Neo4j property
> graph
> > idea than any RDF/OWL triples, correct? That seems obvious, but I thought
> > I'd check. I haven't dived in deep, buy you seem to use Lisp objects to
> > create a vertex. But then what are the edges? Again, I'm just getting
> > started.
> Sorry, I know absolutely nothing about Neo4j or RDF/OWL, but the edges are
> in
> fact trivial.
> As everything in PicoLisp is a pointer (except short numbers), the edges
> are
> indeed just pointers to other symbols. All those symbols in a DB (called
> "external symbols") are loaded lazily on demand.
> ☺/ A!ex
> --

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