China is changing gears, decoupling from TCP/IP protocol. Means: USA becoming isolated. It's a 320 million people state, making just 5% of global population.

China certainly has long wanted to isolate itself from the rest of the internet, given the propensity for inconvenient truths to leak in that way. And given that they are 1/5th of the world population, perhaps they can do that.

That said, not sure we in the rest of the world should be excited about signing up for a new basic layer with "authoritarian ready" features. As much as some factions in the USA would like to become "China Jr.", keeping the sieve leaking is our best path forward to frustrating their ambitions.

I might have to look into the actual "New IP" proposal a little further though. I'm curious to see if they built in any "migration path" that would help solve the critical mass issues that have kept IPv6 on the back burner for 20 years.



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