Now you seriously smoking something. China's bullshit new IP was not
accepted by anyone, no one wants their authoritarian extensions, and say
whatever you want about US (and one can say a lot of shit about them and be
quite correct), US is still millions of miles better than China and if you
are running from US, you should run even faster from China.
I'll just point that for some time now you are acting like some kind of
weird troll, making some seemingly interesting pionts, even while
displaying crappy attitude, then spouting complete bullshit about China
being better than US.

On Tue, Apr 28, 2020 at 12:27 AM Guido Stepken <> wrote:

> Seems, you haven't the slightest idea, what's going on in world:
> China is changing gears, decoupling from TCP/IP protocol. Means: USA
> becoming isolated. It's a 320 million people state, making just 5% of
> global population.
> China, in fact, is double as big as Europe and the US together. Apart from
> that, not only half of USA is bankrupt, with Corona now it's ⅔.
> Means: Germany also is saying 'goodbye' to USA, US technology, US
> protocols, US standards ...
> 'Show me the code' ... what code? I don't publish on M$ owned Github or M$
> owned NPM and i will never do. Not a single US owned server will be allowed
> to carry a singe bit of my code ...
> Do i want to get into jail for nothing like Meng Wanzhou? No evidence, no
> proof. Or Assange, Guantanamo prisoners? See 'Military Commissions Act'.
> Means: Everything now gets isolated from US software/hardware
> implementations. There are even NSA Backdoors implemented in hardware, e.g.
> Broadcom Wifi silicon. All Open Source repositories (Github, NPM, Anaconda,
> NuGet) now are poisined by NSA backdoors!!!
> Seems, most of you guys haven't yet understood, what USA is aiming at:
> Total control of all software, hardware, communication on the world.
> Sorry, but simply don't care your little provocation. Either you agree
> with US strategies or you do down under!
> I've already warned Alex not to use US software stacks (LLVM) for Picolisp
> ... but he simply doesn't listen.
> Picolisp, for me, now is dead, burnt. I have to reimplement it now,
> because plenty of my code uses Picolisp. As i've already mentioned:
> Picolisp is a genius strike, carries plenty of pretty usable ideas in it.
> Well, using Picolisp, with mighty LLVM (420 Mbytes compressed bloat,
> backdoor injections by NSA everywhere, no security review possible) will be
> the last Picolisp for me. Pil21 is a NO-GO! Finished, for all times.
> You must know, how your friends are, Alex doesn't.
> Have fun!
> Am Montag, 27. April 2020 schrieb Danilo Kordic <>:
> > Guido Stepken:
> >> [...]
> >
> >   ""Talk is cheap, show me the code."" -- Linus Torvalds
> >
> > --
> >
> >

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