Hi Shaughan,

> The following may also temporarily solve the problem, at least for anyone 
> using
> Android 10. It is taken from the document you linked:
> Before your app is fully compatible with scoped storage, you can temporarily 
> opt
> out by using the following method:
> If you target Android 10 (API level 29), set the value of
> requestLegacyExternalStorage to true in your app's manifest file.

Yes, but in fact requestLegacyExternalStorage *was* set in PilBox in
AndroidManifest.xml (from versions 132 (21jan21) till 135 (06apr21)).

It seems it did not help much.

But anyway Google allows updates on PlayStore after next August only for apps
targeting SDK 30 (Android 11), so I needed to go to 30 in 135 :(

☺/ A!ex

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