Hi Thorsten,

> that is cool, a bit like in Emacs, where you work in a major mode buffer
> and eval expressions there, maybe sending the results to a repl buffer.

Yeah, but I never missed these features, so I did not bother ;)

> What do you think about some more enhancements in that spirit:
> [X] eval atom
> [X] eval expression
> [ ] eval definition/form (?)
> [ ] eval region
> [ ] eval buffer/window
> (In Emacs all these commands often have "eval-x-and-go" siblings, that eval
> the expression and then jump to the repl)
> In Emacs one uses markers for regions, in VIP I'm not sure ...

Vip has (like Vim) 26 markable buffers (registers a - z, but in fact you can use
any other character and thus have a lot more). Currently there is no eval for a
region, but would be simple to implement. I can't say much about such features,
as they are not my style of work.

For example, put this into your .pil/viprc file:

   (de *F9  # Eval lines till mark
         (run (str (getText (jmpMark (getch) NIL 1)))) ) )

Mark the end of your desired region with


Then go to the start of the region and type


(the register <c> can be a - z (or any character)).

This F9 behavior is analog to all the other editing commands like !, >, <, c, d
and y (shell, shifts, copy, delete and yank).

☺/ A!ex

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